Our Story

Dr. Caron's Journey to Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

From fighting to philosophy, touch to travel, Gotham Acupuncture was born out of exploration. This lifelong quest into the unknown has brought back only the best. Join us to see what we found.

Person Rowing a Boat

Who knew that an interest in athletics and ideas would lead here?

Between rowing, martial arts classes, and frequent sparring, you get some injuries. To help us heal, we had to learn basic massage. Helping injuries heal was fascinating, and quickly became more interesting than learning how to cause them.

An undergraduate education in classical and medieval philosophy opened up a world of ideas, but came with a disconnection from the physical world. The abstractions occupied everything, and the joyful dynamic physicality slowly slipped away.


Attending the Acupressure Institute changed everything. The body is fascinating, and through their hands on education it opened up. Countless hours were spent practicing Tui Na, Shiatsu, and Swedish massage. When not learning the body time was put into Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and a foundation in multiple meditation traditions. An introduction to Chinese Herbs, to Cupping and Moxibustion, and to new ways to conceptualize our systems opened up horizons again. Much like philosophy, this deep dive took over everything, except now it was the intellectual and the abstract that was undernourished.

Dr. Peter Caron treating a Patient


Torn between a love of the abstract and a love of the tangible, Dr. Caron dove into the world of acupuncture. Through his Masters, and his Doctorate, the mixture between the world of the intuitive and physical merged with the world of the abstract and conceptual.

Four years of Acupuncture school laid a foundation then honed in intensive practice. After graduation Dr. Caron spent two years in rural Guatemala. In these underserved communities the theory of acupuncture school and the experience of massage were put to the test. Over this time, and 10,000 treatments, Dr. Caron refined his approach. Coupled with a dedicated meditation teacher, this immersion brought together his experiences and made him the practitioner he is today.

Dr. Peter Caron Consulting a Patient
Dr. Peter Caron helping a Patient
Dr. Peter Caron checking on the person's condition

Revolutionizing Healthcare in Guatemala with Compassion and Empowerment

Dr. Peter Caron  has been pivotal in revolutionizing healthcare access for indigenous communities in Quiché, Guatemala, through GHF's mobile clinic program. Over two years, under his stewardship as GHF's Central America Program Manager, the team has treated nearly 10,000 patients, offering comprehensive healthcare services directly to their doorsteps…

Dr. Peter Caron in a Suit


After Guatemala Dr. Caron traveled. He worked in Cyprus, the Netherlands, California, Oregon, and Washington, before getting his first professorship at Pacific Rim College in British Columbia. After a successful year of teaching, Dr. Caron felt the call to return to New York. In 2019 he came back and began teaching at Pacific College of Health Science.

In 2020, with the pandemic in full swing, Gotham Acupuncture was born. After careful study, in September of 2020 Dr. Caron began treating cases of both active and long covid, with excellent results. Since then Gotham Acupuncture has expanded, partnering with W72 Wellness on the Upper West Side.

Are you ready to experience the transformative power of acupuncture and Chinese medicine? Take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life and discover how Gotham Acupuncture can help you achieve your wellness goals.